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GMS - May Update

As we move (slowly) towards summer and warmer days, the Master and Court have a varied social programme lined up for you to look forward to.

A virtual 'cruise' of the River Thames on Thursday 10th June and a virtual tour of the abandoned Underground on Wednesday 30th June are planned and booking links, together with more details, will follow very soon.

We will also look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Installation Dinner on Wednesday 16th June - dust off your dresses and black tie (at least the top half) for a fabulous night with optional food to order through our caterer. Further details will be circulated shortly.

Don't forget to register your interest for our first face-to-face event on Sunday 11th July as we tour the award-winning Hog's Back Brewery and enjoy a tasting session of their famous ales, with the opportunity to purchase your favourites (or those from other breweries in the from the UK and around the world) at the brewery shop. Tickets are £20 each. Register here for what is sure to be an entertaining summer Sunday afternoon in the Hampshire countryside with friends and Guild members.

Covid restrictions permitting, a morning tour of Bletchley Park, learning of the vital work of the World War Two codebreakers, is in store on Thursday 15th July. A planned trip to Hampton Court Palace has been put on hold but we hope to visit this remarkable historic site and its gardens later in the year.

For now, a few further events to pencil in your diaries are an evening of petanque with the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights and Guild of Young Freemen in late August, an afternoon at the Tower of London on 14th September, where we hope to experience the Ceremony of the Keys, and a carol service in early December to conclude this eventful year.

Look out for further details to follow and we hope you keep well over the coming months.