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Invitation to 75th Anniversary and AGM 2022

SAVE THE DATE:  75th Anniversary and Annual General Meeting 2022

Dear Guildmember,

I am writing to let you now that the Guild is proposing to celebrate its 75th anniversary this summer on Thursday, 30th June at Gresham College, Barnard’s Inn. This promises to be a delightful start to the summer break and a long-overdue opportunity to gather together for one of the first occasions since the pandemic began to wane.

The event will take the form of a Summer Reception with words from myself and guest speakers. We will also take the opportunity to welcome formally into the Guild all who were bound during the period of lockdown and restrictions over the last two years. It is also hope d there will be musical entertainment and some background on the history of the Mercers’ Scholars.

We have chosen this venue because of the historic links between the Guild and the site of the Mercers’ School, where it was founded. It also symbolises the growing and heartening development of relations between ourselves and Gresham College, the present residents of the site.

Will Members please note that the AGM will take place in the Conference Room downstairs at Barnards’ Inn on the afternoon of the same day.

The cost of attendance will be £35 per head, for which a drink and plenty of refreshment will be provided. We are of course having to pay for the privilege of using the old school as our venue!

Please will you reply to the Clerk at if you are interested in attending. We need to be clear about numbers before putting the finishing touches to our plans. A detailed invitation with menu and names of special guests will follow shortly.

With my best wishes,

Dr John Weeds
