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Grants available to Apprentices

The Master, Guildman Mr Gerry Edwards, would like to bring to your attention the grants available to apprentices bound after January 2016.


A grant can be used on a project or activity which supports an apprentice’s “educational or career progression, or leadership and charitable activities.” Given the current Covid restrictions, applications can be made for something that is undertaken online rather than activities that involve travel and/or face to face contact.

Further details and an application form are available on the GMS website:

Please submit applications by email to the Renter Warden, Guildman Mr John Weeds:

For apprentices, the form requires parental consent if under 18. In all cases, the Apprentice Master will be contacted for his or her approval. 

It is a condition of the award of a grant that its recipient must update the Guild on completion of their activity or project, giving a brief report.

As examples, previous grants have been awarded for the following projects:

·       Educational project in Nepal designed to teach English to children who were badly affected by the 2015 earthquake

·       Attending the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Netherlands, for educational purposes

·       Transport of ‘cello to Jordan in order to continue musical education and play with the Etihad orchestra and teach at the Amman Conservatoire 

·       Visit to Tamil Nadu, northern India to volunteer at Yatra Foundation’s Isha Vidhya School

·       Internship with Project Rousseau, based in New York, which helps young people from low-income households to gain access to higher education and to realise their potential