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Letter from Past Master Tony Paice, Chairman of the Nominations Committee

Bids for Nomination 2021

Dear Colleagues

At about this time last year, I wrote to all Guild members asking them to consider coming forward for progression towards senior posts in the Court.  Thanks to the response I received, we were able to fill the wardenships at a difficult time and, for the moment at least, leadership of the Guild is assured.  We cannot, however, stand still: there is a vacancy for the Junior Warden who would be due to take office in October.  We need someone to come forward, preferably before the Lady Day Court on 21 April.

In my last appeal, I also sought interest from those who were not quite ready yet to take on heavier responsibility, but might accept a learning or waiting role on the Court – as a Senior Court Assistant.  Several members put their names forward, but the onset of the pandemic last February undermined my hope to see four or five SCAs lining up for future progression.  I would like to hear from anyone who might still be interested.

Lockdowns and their compromise of our social programme, not to mention ‘zoom’ Courts, are not conducive to exploratory conversations with individual members thinking of accepting office.  It is not so much the ‘twisting of arms’, as the opportunity to explain what the various posts in the Guild management entail.  I am, nevertheless, always ready to answer questions and, as a Past Master, am in a position to explain details – by email or phone.

None of us can say when the Covid curse will be lifted; perhaps it won’t entirely.  We do, however, need to continue the work that the present Master – in his second Mastership – and Wardens, together with our dedicated Membership Committee, have been able to achieve in trying circumstances.

Stop Press: We now also need an early volunteer to take on the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead as a Senior Court Assistant.  It would suit any member who has had experience in protecting young people.  A name for the Lady Day Court would be most helpful.

I look forward to hearing from those ready to put themselves forward or are interested in learning about what might be involved.

Anthony (k/a Tony) Paice
Chair of Nominations