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FAO Apprentice Masters only - Training and Safeguarding

Dear Apprentice Master,

Thank you to those who attended the Briefing with the Safeguarding team last week. We are glad you found it useful.

This message is simply to remind all serving Apprentice Masters (i.e. anyone conducting mentoring sessions with Apprentices this year)  to access the training here:  . It simply consists of the following activity: you need to work through the presentation and do the quiz at the end. It will take a maximum of 45 minutes. You are also recommended to read through our draft Safeguarding Policy and the information about DBS checks.

It is vital that you then confirm completion with the GMS Safeguarding team by emailing this address:

n.b. You must not commence mentoring until you have confirmed completion of the training.

Do email the address above if you have any issues accessing the training material. In the meantime, thank you sincerely for all you are doing in support of our Apprenticeship programme.  

Kind regards,

The GMS Safeguarding Team